Webster’s Technique
The uterus is physically attached to the pelvis and sacrum by way of the utero-sacral ligaments behind the uterus and the round ligaments in front and the broad ligament on each side. Due to various circumstances, these ligaments can become tight and create undue tension in the uterus.
This uterine tension may decrease the ability of the baby to move into a more desirable position for birth. Imagine pulling on two sides of a balloon. The balloon shortens and becomes rigid in response to the pulling forces. The same thing occurs with the uterus, essentially trapping the baby in whatever position it was in at the time of subluxation.
Until the pull on the uterus can be removed, the constraint will remain and the baby may not be able to force its way into the vertex position. The Webster chiropractic adjustment helps to realign the sacrum and relieve the pull that creates the tension in the uterus. Once that tension is removed, your baby may be free to follow its instincts and assume its best possible position for birth.