tailored care through
every stage of life.

From moms and babies, to grandparents, and everyone in-between.

Perinatal Care

  • During pregnancy, a mother’s center of gravity shifts and her posture compensates accordingly. The ligament laxity necessary for birthing creates instability in all of her joints, including her spine and pelvis. This makes her more prone to injury and can limit the baby's ability to get in the proper position for birth.

  • Chiropractic care has proven effective for common problems like headaches, acid reflux, sinus troubles, and pain in the back and legs. It can also help ensure that babies are properly positioned for birth, increasing the likelihood of a smoother delivery with minimal medical interventions, regardless of where the birth takes place. Additionally, chiropractic care supports postpartum recovery for both mom and baby, enhancing breastfeeding, milk production, and addressing issues such as colic, digestive problems, ear infections, and supporting healthy neuro-motor development.

Family Care

  • Chiropractic helps with so much more than just neck and back pain. When the spine is aligned and free of nervous system interference, your whole body is better prepared to deal with the different types of stress we all encounter on a daily basis. Chiropractic is an essential part of restoring and maintaining lifetime wellness.

  • With consistent care and following doctor recommendations, our patients report less aches and pains, better posture, improved sleep, greater range of motion and improved quality of life!

Pediatric Adjustments

  • Birth trauma continues to be a severely under-treated problem. Excessive force or complications during delivery can create misalignments in the spinal column and compromise nervous system function.

    Because most neurological development occurs within the first year of life, we encourage getting your baby checked as soon as possible!

    If your little one's are involved in contact sports or spend a little too much time looking down at phone screens with poor posture, their bodies can struggle to keep up with the accumulated stress. Keep them adjusted in order to maintain spinal health and promote optimal development!

  • Some pediatric conditions that respond well to chiropractic include difficulty breastfeeding, ear infections, reflux, colic, and digestive issues.

DOT/Sports physicals

our technique


There are many different ways to get a chiropractic adjustment. In our office, we use state- of-the-art technology to determine where your health issues stem from. We then use very specific and gentle adjustments by hand to realign the spine and restore proper nervous system flow. Dr. Sadie specializes in moms and babies and is also Webster certified. We also have supplementary modalities to help facilitate your healing journey as needed.

we are ready for you!